Friday 22 November 2013


The main aim of this particular workshop was to become more familiar and comfortable with fundamental creative software such as InDesign and Photoshop. I previously have had some experience with these programmes however I still consider myself to be at quite a basic level as there is a lot more to explore within these programmes. The brief was to create a poster for the upcoming film 'The 33' (set to be released in 2014) based on the mining accident in Chile and the subsequent rescue operation. We began the task be searching for imagery to use in the film poster, I ended up collecting at least ten potential images to use and then narrowed it down to only a couple of what I thought were the most powerful.

Following this we began to edit some the photography in Photoshop adjusting the hues, and contrast levels of the original image. I cut out, using the magic wand tool, only the parts that I wanted from the original picture, for example in the picture below, I cut out only the profile of the miner from his background. I then placed the profile on an image of the flag of Chile waving in the darkness. I then adjusting the opacity giving the transparency between miner and flag. I thought that the whole story was of a nation coming together to help the stranded miners so I wanted to find a way that showed that patriotism, togetherness and heroism under adversity. I saw this in the image of the waving flag. The shocked expression of the miner I thought was powerful as it represented the emotion of everyone throughout that time and the monotone filter contrasting with the colourful flag brought this out.

A collection of two images placed on top one another with around
 50% transparency to allow the flag to shine through. This was
what I created using only Photoshop, later this image will go on to
be used in InDesign to add the text.

The final stage took place in InDesign where I added the text to my poster. This was a longer process than I had anticipated because I couldn't decide which font worked well with the overall theme of the poster in addition I spent a lot of time playing around with the layout of the text. Once I had picked the most suitable font in my view I experimented with the weight of the text and the colour of the image.

Type, layout and colour experiments

My final film poster
Overall, I am pleased with my final outcome although I think there could be some improvements in the layout of the text and so on. I find the image of the miner and the flag works well and gives the poster a true Chilean feel, representative of the film. In conclusion an interesting task in my view that has a physical outcome of which I am happy with

Images - Author's Own 22/11/13

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