Thursday 30 January 2014


For the second project of three I choose to do the Type Transformers brief. I selected this typographic project rather than the alphabetype brief because I like the idea of being able to experiment with letters and changing the shape and meaning. Furthermore I had already completed a simpler form of the alphabetype brief by creating my own hand drawn alphabet earlier on in the year. I first began just doodling and making rough sketches seeing what object I could manipulate the letters into. This process was rough and free-flowing to get my ideas down onto paper and gain inspiration. I thought about real and everyday objects that surround me like glasses, lamps etc.

To further help my thought process and gain some inspiration, I did some research online to see how others have shown objects in letters and manipulated physical objects to resemble letters and so on. I found that there a re a lot of everyday objects that are shaped similarly to letters and vice verse. Once I had thought of a few objects to study further, I began making some neater drawings of the letters and trying out different mediums such as pen, pencil, felt tips an biros to see which worked the best. I also tried different colour palettes as well to add some vibrancy to the lettering. Throughout this process I found that more ideas spontaneously came to me and that's when I had the idea of depicting a swan in the letter S which is already very similar to the general shape of a swan.

Final drawing - original size 20cm x 20cm

This is my final type transformations drawing that I completed myself using felt tip, pen and red biro. I choose to depict glasses, an eye and a swan as I felt these were my strongest concepts. In conclusion I am pleased with my final outcome, again it was a short time period so I feel I have maximised the time available to come up with a reasonable outcome for the project. I p[lan to scan this into Photoshop and adjust the levels of contrast, brightness and saturation to see if this enhances the drawings in any way.

Images - Authors's Own 28/01/14

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