Sunday 12 January 2014


Over Christmas, we were set a number of different briefs to choose from. I choose the  'Passage of Time' brief because I felt it had the most potential to expand and become a number of different things. I first began by brainstorming a number of ideas in relation to time and the passing of time for instance, ways of measuring time, units of time, the seasons, the sun and so on. I researched a little into the earliest ways of measuring time which included sand-timers or hour glasses, quartz clocks and sundials, I found interesting the natural ways of measuring time and so decided to pursue this a bit further and maybe incorporate an element of text into the final piece.

Following this, I looked at some quotes in relation to time as I feel quotes can be a powerful way of summarising an individual's opinion of time. The most striking quote I discovered was from Benjamin Franklin, he stated that 'You may delay but time will not' and this I feel applies to everyone, the inevitability of time passing is something we cannot control. This inevitability of time is something I wanted to go with. After some experimentation in illustrator I discovered that I could incorporate the quote into maybe an hour glass or sundial. I found it worked well in the hour glass because the quote gets physically separated by the two different sections. The sand that flows through to the other side is the past and represents the time we have lost or cannot get back, on the other hand the sand that is yet to flow through represents the present and the future. Therefore the quote can be separated, 'you may delay' representing the present and future 'but time will not' representing the past.

To elaborate further on this idea I used a collage background which consisted of a ripped up calender/diary symbolizing the loss of time or lack of organisation of time. I scanned this into illustrator and added some filters and adjusted the contrast levels and then placed the sand-timer on top of the collage. I also made the overlayed design slightly transparent so that you can see some of the background coming through. Overall I was pleased with this project however on reflection I think my idea was maybe a little bit too safe and predictably about time, I like how the sand-timer clearly represents the passage of time and the quote is strong however I feel it is a little safe. I would maybe in the future like to do something slightly less obvious maybe even something in 3D as I often do 2D final pieces which gets a little repetitive after a while. I t was suggested that maybe I could have done some engraving into wood or maybe thin metals which could be a possible alternative. In conclusion, I didn't enjoy this project as much as some others, I feel I didn't get immersed into enough although I am fairly pleased with my final outcome.

Final piece, A3 poster

Images - Author's Own 10/01/14

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