Wednesday 26 February 2014


With the weather project now finished, work begins on the 7 week final major project. This is my A3 project proposal sheet showing the idea for my FMP. We each had to present an idea to our crit groups which was great because of the feedback and ideas that were shared. For my project I aim to create a brand identity for a new underground jazz/hip-hop record label. I want to create a logo, album covers, clothing and maybe a digital representation of the brand in some way. This group crit highlighted some important aspects of the project to me that I would have otherwise overlooked. For example, weather to make the brand unique to myself or personal in some way, making the brand mainstream or underground and the type of branding I want to do. In conclusion, this sheet highlights my intentions for the next project and I look forward to 
starting it.


For the final week of the weather project I started to create my idea using illustrator and Photoshop. I took photos of my hand holding a glass up to the sky in my back garden while it was raining heavily and used this as a template to create the imagery. Before doing this experimented a little with some other images found on the internet using a tracing technique in Illustrator that I learnt whilst on work experience. I felt this style worked well and so I carried it onto my final idea. 

The concept behind the idea the the fact that here in the UK we receive so much rain daily that there is an abundance of water and often flooding in some areas whilst around the world there are still millions of people who live without drinkable water everyday. So the glass up to the sky is a metaphor suggesting that we should collect and recycle rain water more to use for something worthwhile. The raising of glasses is also associated with toasting someone around the table so there is also this interpretation to consider. It is a symbol much like those of propaganda posters in a similar style.

Above are some of the photos I took of myself holding a glass up to the rainy skies in my back garden to use a s a template in Photoshop and illustrator. Below are some further developments and sketches of my design, I have made a few different versions to contrast and compare. I feel this helps when choosing the most effective design. 

Once I had made a decision a picked a design, I started to make a few trials experimenting with the imagery and combination of text and imagery. Initially I didn't want to include text but after a few trials I decided that the text worked well with the composition and so I included in the final piece. I thought that the background was also a little plain and we had to include an everyday view so I made a collage of the photo I took of my back garden and used it as a backdrop with the imagery and text on top.

Final A2 poster
I realised that the pictures in the background made the text slightly unclear and harder to read which was a design flaw, so for the final draft I reduced the opacity of the upper half of the background, the increased transparency of the photography makes the text more legible and allows the colour of the cloud/hand to stand out a bit more. Overall, I have to say I struggled with this project for much of the three weeks just because of a lack ideas, inspiration and clarity of the brief. I still feel my final product of the three weeks could have been a bit better but I am still happy with the design and the concept. I may re-visit this in the future and try and get some feedback on how to improve it. 

Images - Author's Own 25/02/14

Saturday 15 February 2014


Over the second week of the weather project, I have started to refine my idea a little further and I have chosen to focus on rain. After looking into the climate and current weather in my local area and around the UK in general, I established that there is always an abundance of rain water and we experience a large number of rainy days. I also thought about the lack of clean, safe and drinkable water in the developing world despite the fact that there is so much water around us. 

I've chosen to look at specifically the abundance of rain in the world and in the UK, rain harvesting and the lack of clean water in developing countries. Through some more research into water around the world and into rain harvesting I have realised that there are still millions of people around the world that do not have access to clean, safe and drinkable water. The Earth is also 2/3 water and yet there is still not enough to go around. Therefore I would like to explore this further and create something to show this which incorporates this message.

Below I have some more pages or research, development and some idea generation. I used the charity 'Water Aid' for some of these stats and figures which did jump out at me. Because of this I would like to show how there is a lack of clean water in the world and still so much rain water in my final piece. Over the next few days I will try to come up with a final idea and composition, trialing various different layouts and colours. 

Images - Author's Own 14/02/14

Tuesday 11 February 2014


For this final 3 week project of the graphics pathway before the final major project, we had to investigate into the weather and create a graphic response in the context of weather. We have to try and make something that we see everyday that is mundane and ordinary extraordinary and unique in some way. For the first week of this project I have been lacking in initial ideas for what to expand and elaborate on for some reason. I have just struggled to find a direction to follow weather it be information, illustration or typography based at the moment I can't decide. To combat this I have just been doodling, mind-mapping and sketching out any little thoughts or ideas that come to mind. I have looked at views that I come in contact with everyday, such as the view from my house, form my bus and from Ravensbourne's circular windows looking out onto the O2 Arena. 

Following this I have been researching into current weather conditions in the UK and also weather extremes such severe floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters in general. So far my research hasn't really driven me in a particular direction but I am still keeping my mind open in the coming weeks. With regards to which discipline I will follow e.g a typographic, illustrative or a computer generated outcome, I am still not entirely sure.

Below are some pages of quick sketchbook work over the first week of the project. I have just made some doodles and combined my research with imagery to help stimulate idea generation. 

Imagery - Author's Own 08/02/14