Saturday 15 February 2014


Over the second week of the weather project, I have started to refine my idea a little further and I have chosen to focus on rain. After looking into the climate and current weather in my local area and around the UK in general, I established that there is always an abundance of rain water and we experience a large number of rainy days. I also thought about the lack of clean, safe and drinkable water in the developing world despite the fact that there is so much water around us. 

I've chosen to look at specifically the abundance of rain in the world and in the UK, rain harvesting and the lack of clean water in developing countries. Through some more research into water around the world and into rain harvesting I have realised that there are still millions of people around the world that do not have access to clean, safe and drinkable water. The Earth is also 2/3 water and yet there is still not enough to go around. Therefore I would like to explore this further and create something to show this which incorporates this message.

Below I have some more pages or research, development and some idea generation. I used the charity 'Water Aid' for some of these stats and figures which did jump out at me. Because of this I would like to show how there is a lack of clean water in the world and still so much rain water in my final piece. Over the next few days I will try to come up with a final idea and composition, trialing various different layouts and colours. 

Images - Author's Own 14/02/14

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