Tuesday 11 February 2014


For this final 3 week project of the graphics pathway before the final major project, we had to investigate into the weather and create a graphic response in the context of weather. We have to try and make something that we see everyday that is mundane and ordinary extraordinary and unique in some way. For the first week of this project I have been lacking in initial ideas for what to expand and elaborate on for some reason. I have just struggled to find a direction to follow weather it be information, illustration or typography based at the moment I can't decide. To combat this I have just been doodling, mind-mapping and sketching out any little thoughts or ideas that come to mind. I have looked at views that I come in contact with everyday, such as the view from my house, form my bus and from Ravensbourne's circular windows looking out onto the O2 Arena. 

Following this I have been researching into current weather conditions in the UK and also weather extremes such severe floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters in general. So far my research hasn't really driven me in a particular direction but I am still keeping my mind open in the coming weeks. With regards to which discipline I will follow e.g a typographic, illustrative or a computer generated outcome, I am still not entirely sure.

Below are some pages of quick sketchbook work over the first week of the project. I have just made some doodles and combined my research with imagery to help stimulate idea generation. 

Imagery - Author's Own 08/02/14

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