Thursday 17 April 2014


Following the creative making week, we visited the design museum to see Paul Smith's exhibition and the designs of the year exhibition. Having previously known relatively little if not nothing about Paul Smith, I found the trip to be very enlightening and I truely got a sense of what makes Paul Smith such a good designer. Heavily influenced by fashion and graphic prints, I also thought that I wouldn't enjoy his woks as much as I have no real interest in fashion however, I found it did still apply to my own interests. The colour he uses, the processes and his design outcomes as a whole grabbed my attention. I particularly enjoyed his collaborations he did with other brands such as Evian, Rapha and Pinarello putting his own unique mark on existing brands. It shows that you can always recognise a designer by the mark they leave on their work and this was evident in everything Paul Smith had worked on, something which every designer should strive for in my opinion.

The second exhibition we visited was the Designs of the Year. This displayed all the most creative and ingenious designs across several design disciplines including product, fashion, graphic and architectural design. This was another great exhibition for a number of reasons. Firstly, the variety was personally greatly appreciated, sometimes looking at graphics all the time gets a bit boring but there was enough different designs to keep me interested. I particularly enjoyed the 'Whitney' branding as it directly applied to my own final major project and I could appreciate how the design came together and how it works across different platforms. Something else I looked out for was the layout of the exhibits and how they were arranged as I will need to layout my own exhibit space eventually. Obviously I won't necessarily have the same materials to work with however I want to create something that works in a similar way and has the same feel.

Overall, I thought the visit was worthwhile as frankly, the previous times I visited the Design Museum I was slightly disappointed as I didn't enjoy what was on display however this time I enjoyed it. The break from studio monotony is also greatly welcomed as getting out and about can be refreshing, inspiring and motivating for when I finally get back to studio practice.

Images - Author's Own 16/04/14

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