Monday 21 April 2014


Throughout the course of this week, I have began to wrap up my research and started to get on with idea generation and outlining the vision, audience and, most importantly, the name of the record label. I started brainstorming a number of names that sprang to mind using my own name as inspiration in places and also general musical terms as I discovered in my research. For instance the brand 'Blue Note' refers to the characteristic blue notes that are found in jazz and blues, perhaps I could use something similar with my own label. I also used a thesaurus and other musical terms to increase the variety of vocabulary. 

I decided to make the genre of the label underground hip-hop/soul as I feel I know more about this genre in comparison with jazz. This decision was important as for a while I was undecided which affected my progress, however now I feel I can really push on.  I established that the record label's purpose will be to help young producers and musicians, theoretically the record label would provide a platform for young and unsigned producers to expose their music to the public as often they would get rejected by other more established labels. I think this gives me more of a specific focus.

In the end I narrowed it down to three potential names: SOS Records (Secrets of Sound), TBC Records (To Be Continued) and WIP Records (Work in Progress). I liked the idea or abbreviating the phrase to just three letters as this sounds a bit more succinct and snappy. After researching the phrases and investigating their meanings. Eventually I decided to go with WIP Records as the work in progress concept applies to the vision of the brand and refers to the development of the producers on the label, in the sense that they have the potential but they have room to develop and improve with hard work. I also find the abbreviation itself 'WIP' to be short and punchy. This could potentially change in the coming weeks but for now I feel this is the best choice.

I have now started to sketch out some potential logo designs and styles playing with shape, colour and type. Initially, I made these doodles in my sketchbook but following this I will transfer my ideas onto Illustrator and Photoshop. 

Images - Author's Own 19/04/14

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