Sunday 13 April 2014


To further support my contextual research, I visited the Tate Modern to have a look and research the use of colour in art and design. I wanted to purely find colourful works then photograph and anylise them. For my FMP I feel that colour will be an important element in the design process and in the final outcomes. I found some great examples in the Tate which didn't really have much design work as such but I could still look for the colour in works and read how or why it was used. The intentions were sometimes clear but in other works I was not sure why certain colour schemes were used. 

Ellsworth Kelly's 'Blue, Black and Red' 
showsthe artist's interest in form, colour, 
shape and sequence. Kelly's works are often
 known for being enitrely composed of just 
primary coloursbut this piece goes beyond
 that range. The colours chosen are likely to
 reflect the artist's direct visual experiences
 be it of the man-made or natural 

Ellsworth Kelly's 'Mediteranee' is similar to 'Blue, Black and Red' in the way that the 
colours are solid blocks however, this piece is a relief as certain segments of the piece 
are elevated across different levels. This literally adds another dimension to Kelly's work. 
I find the colour schemes used are mostly warm with a few cool colous to contrast 
although overall, I believe it works well.

Saloua Raouda Choucair's 'Composition in Blue Module' uses subtle tones of blue 
and purple which delicately shows the shift in colours across the piece. I like the way
 the shapes and colours overlap which in turn creates quite a geometric and graphic image.

Images - Author's Own 03/04/14

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