Sunday 27 April 2014


Towards the end of this week, following the mid-point reviews, I started to design the first draft of the logo in Illustrator using the hand made in drawing I completed in the studio as a template. I found this method was a lot easier than trying to start from scratch in Illustrator in my opinion. I had to increase the contrast of the drawing a little as it was quite faint and doing this made it easier to trace. I started by outlining the basic shapes and playing around with the perspective and adjusting the lettering. Once I had completed the basic cube shape with the letters W, I and P I started to create the custom typeface. I didn't use a default typeface because I wanted to put my own personal spin on the design. I wanted to keep the same type of font that is on the cube to create unity between the cube and the text. This process was difficult because I often changed my mind about the size and positioning, to combat this I trialed various other fonts along side the one I created to contrast and compare. I think this design may change slightly over time and I am open to some other ideas and suggestions from my tutors to see what works the best. 

I like how the cube's perspective works and I believe that the typeface compliments the cube. To be sure, I contrasted it with some other more recognisable fonts such as Futura (light and bold), Arial and Masterplan. I would also like to know what my peer group thinks also but for now I think I will stick with the font I created. Following this I started to experiment with some colour and created some alternate versions with varied colours.The reason for choosing to use a cube was because of the experience I had in the various different record shops I visited. The record 'crate' itself which holds the 12" vinyls and CD's in is a large cube and I wanted to try and represent this sort of 'crate digging' record shop feel with the cube shape. This design may change and alter slightly over the remaining weeks of the project, however I am happy with this draft.

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