Sunday 4 May 2014


After receiving feedback and listening to the opinions of my tutors and peers, I have taken their comments on board and altered the design of my logo. The main aspect which people picked up on was the typeface for the 'RECORDS' part of the logo and the fact that the 'I' was a little plain, due to the fact that it was an upper case sans serif 'I'. As a result, I decided to make the 'I' a lower case 'i' with a dot which has a lot more character and can be experimented with more. I wanted to try and incorporate the text into the cube in some way and the dot of the 'i' coincidentally could be used in conjunction with the 'o' of the 'RECORDS' part which in the end worked out very well.

I changed the typeface from my custom made font as the majority of people I asked thought it was maybe too sharp, edgy and futuristic and to some extent I agree with this. I researched a few fonts that were sans serif and simple but with a modern edge. I found Bebas Neue on DaFont which I thought worked very well because of its bold qualities. I increased the spacing between the individual letters as this was something people liked when I asked them and ultimately, its much more clearer as without the spacing, it is too condensed to be legible on a smaller scale. To test this I experimented with the scale of the logo on smaller scales in particular. The text is legible in most however in the smallest one, the text is a little unclear which could be a design fault which I may revisit at a later time, but now with two weeks left, I am going to stick with this design.

Secondly, I picked a colour scheme to use in the branding which I think was necessary, as I would like to have a few colour versions to pick from and have the standard monotone one as a reference. The colours I chose are warm, bold and work well together which is something I wanted to convey in the logo. I went for a three colour theme to highlight the different elements of the logo. 

I also established the typeface that would appear with the logo for all the branding that I am going to carry out. Again, I wanted a simple yet modern-looking font with an upper and lower case alphabet such as the one below, AuraLight, which I feel works quite well as a typeface on its own but for the record label brand I think it had an up-to-date feel and a sense of currency is something the label is about. 

Overall, I feel I have now established a logo design that I will now begin to apply to various things such as t-shirts, CD/Vinyl sleeves and online over the next two weeks. This was personally a very difficult task to complete and probably one of the hardest parts of the whole FMP in my opnion because of the many possible directions I could have gone in and the thought-provoking feedback I received throughout the process. I often changed my mind and was swayed by the opinions of others however at this stage, I feel I am somewhat back on track although the next two weeks will be crucial as I need complete my final outcomes in time and have something worthwhile to exhibit.

Images - Author's Own 02/05/14

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