Thursday 15 May 2014


Over this last week of the FMP I have been drafting designs for an actual record label that would appear on a vinyl record and a record label launch poster/event. I have been altering some previous designs and ideas that I have used on the CD sleeves and translating them onto a record label. There are some design constraints however as with a label the space for the artwork itself is circle just under 4" in diameter with a small hole in the middle. This means that the text and imagery need to be altered in some way to work in unison with the circular shape. This wasn't too difficult to adjust and soon I had around 5 or 6 designs to pick from and refine.

For the poster I wanted to include more of a natural illustrated feel to the whole brand identity so therefore I created a black biro drawing. I like working in black biro because of the textures and tones you can create, it also has a rustic appearance which looks expressive. As I did with a previous project, I scanned the drawing and began editing the contrast levels, balancing the brightness and experimenting with different filters. After some trial and error, I came out with a handcrafted poster which stays true to the original computer generated identity but has the illustrative feel I was going for. 

Record Label Launch Poster, A3.

Images - Author's Own 14/05/14

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