Tuesday 20 May 2014


After finishing the record label designs and the launch poster, I have quickly moved onto creating some more final outcomes for my FMP. To go with the labels I created, I decided to create a range of 7 inch album sleeves using the same design that is on the CD sleeves but in a different colour. This process was fairly straight forward, I scaled up the CD front covers and added the record label to vinyl to show it coming out of the sleeve. For the final display, I will probably show two of these as I want to fully utilise the colour scheme I have chosen.

I thought back to a previous project I did in the graphics pathway which was the manifesto brief, I enjoyed this task quite a lot and I wanted to do something similar for my FMP. This time however it would be hand drawn, much lie the record label launch poster, giving that illustrative feel. I have chosen to do this because I want to show a range of skills in my final major project, so far I have a good amount of graphic outcomes, but I want to demonstrate illustration skills and an understanding of typography. This I feel will come in the poster. I began by drawing out the letters in the Auralight typeface, which is the same across the brand. I didn't want a formal outcome, just something that looks a bit more natural and hand-made, I kept it simple in black and white and added the WIP Records logo in the bottom-right hand corner to brand the poster. This is something else that will probably go on display 

At this stage of the FMP, I am now just finalising everything, printing off my outcomes and preparing for the exhibition. On the whole, I think I have made the most of the time but with the display fast approaching I still have things to tweak and edit in time for the deadline. For the final display, I have two A3 posters, the logo, record labels, album/CD covers and a t-shirt to show for the project. I will finalise the arrangement of these outcomes in the next few days but for now, the focus is on getting everything done in time.

Images - Author's Own 19/05/14

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