Monday 5 May 2014


Following our visit to Somerset House, in the same day, we went to The British Library to see the 'Comics Unmasked' exhibition which showcased evolution and history of comics. This was a good visit in my opinion and I enjoyed looking at the various different comic book illustrations and also learning a lot about the creation of famous comic book characters such as 'Judge Dredd', 'Spiderman' and many more. An aspect I also enjoyed was the way the comics were analysed in terms of their political and propaganda content. I learnt quite a bit even though comic books are not necessarily my favourite thing or what my FMP is about. 

A great touch was the addition of the masked mannequins wearing the Guy Fawkes/V for Vendetta masks which filled the exhibition space with an eerie presence as initially I wondered if they were real people posing and often I had to look back to be sure as they were quite imposing. This wasn't random though as the masks they were wearing could be traced back to comic books and the whole idea of uprising and superheroes is common in comics past and present. 

Overall, I enjoyed this exhibition but I thought some of the work was a bit repetitive and the styles were often the same which gradually made the exhibition a bit tiresome in my opinion. Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of comic books however I could appreciate the work on display. Of the two I definitely preferred the 'Pick Me Up' exhibition at Somerset House just because there was more variety although I was definitely pleased I visited this one.

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