Tuesday 10 September 2013


After watching the retro and psychologically dense film 'Blade Runner' I struggled to understand the plot or idea behind the story line. The fact the 1982 film showed a depiction of the 2019 world was in itself a future memory in a way, however all throughout the film there were interlocking memories and, most poignantly, the quote 'let me tell you about my mother' repeated several times during the story. That was the most obvious memory I recall of the film. The machine that also measures whether or not a human is a robot is interesting because of the symbolism of the eye, it appeared to work in a similar way to a lie detector and often looking into someone's eyes or eye is the way to judge whether or not they are telling the truth. The movements and twitching of the eye also made me think that the character was lying. I made a particular recording of the eye I remember from the film and also some of the origami paper figures that the detective made. Intriguingly, the fantasy of the unicorn is reflected in the origami. In conclusion, I would say that there are still some elements of the film I don't fully understand, some of the characters and the plot is confusing in my opinion but I get the gist of the memory theme. Below are the sketches I made from memory.

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