Saturday 28 September 2013


The brief on this occasion was to create a structure that could hold three light plastic balls above a table without them touching each other. To do this, we could only use spaghetti and hot glue guns which at first seemed like a near impossible task but after some experimentation I discovered it was definitely possible. Before embarking on any actual building we first sketched out some rough designs and rough ideas as you can see below.

I tried to keep my designs as abstract as possible to make the
construction more interesting. There is some flexibility
in the spaghetti so it is possible to bend them slightly however
they are very brittle and snap easily
I was inspired by our local buildings and only had to look
out the window to see the structures on the O2 and
surrounding buildings.
I then began to make my structure and often I changed my mind whilst building it because I was finding out about the properties of spaghetti and what the limits were. I ended up making a simple cone shape where the spaghetti interlocked at the top and then on the lower parts I made two more smaller versions of the original structure to fit the three balls.

The early stages of development 
An example of how the spaghetti was fixed together,
the hot glue created a solid bond and enabled me to
adjust its position before the glue dried completely
Reinforcing the base of the structure, the added support
 prevented the 'legs' of my structure from spreading apart.

 The completed structure could successfully hold three balls off the table without them touching

A view of my structure on its side creating a different composition, the small man indicates the scale and creates the illusion that the spaghetti ball holder is a full size building

In conclusion, I thought this task was a success and I enjoyed making different structures, it didn't take long for me to discover the properties of the spaghetti which meant that I completed my structure fairly quickly with time to spare. In future I will probably work slower and take my time as I think this would benefit the learning process more. This effectively marked the end of the 3DD week. 

Images - Author's Own 26/09/13

1 comment:

  1. I think your sculpture for the balls is simple but at the same time very effective. for me it looks like the sculpture explodes, it the perspective of being all narrow and pointy to wide spread out. I like the fact the spaghetti are meant to be very fragile things and for it to create this sculpture creates a contrast as it looks rather explosive. I think this sculpture can be improved on by maybe hiding away the glue so that the sculpture looks neater and at the same time increasing the contrast between fragile and explosive. Also to think about the ways the balls can be placed, maybe the balls can be placed at an angle or in line so it connects with the explosive idea of the sculpture?
