Tuesday 1 October 2013


Finished viewfinder drawing using coloured pencils
On the first day of this rotation we focused on faces as the first of three themes including words and present. At first I began sketching my classmates' faces using different techniques such as drawing from memory which was very odd because you completely rely on your instinct, using your mouth to draw which was easier but hurt my mouth and then using your weaker hand to draw which is again easier but my left handed grip on a pencil is extremely weak. I think this reflected in my final outcomes. All these quick sketches were timed so they were quite expressive and lacked much detail but that wasn't the aim of the exercise. Following this we all drew someone's ear on a large scale (A1) with a 20 minute time limit. I worked quickly using black felt tip which I thought was the most suitable media for working on this large scale. 

In the afternoon we began making collages from magazine tears and newspaper cuttings, the objective was to make a new face out of other famous people's faces or facial components for example a nose or a mouth. This task was very strange as we all ended up with some very abstract, askew and almost alien-like faces. I found it interesting to see what everyone else had created. My creation resembled a cartoon character with comical and distorted facial components with small baby's eyes and a massive nose. Finally we created a square viewfinder to find an interesting part of our collage to blow up and draw on a larger scale (20cm x 20cm) focusing on adding deep colours.

Initially I found these tasks to be unrelated to graphic design but on reflection everything that I did was some form of visual communication and my collage did include some text also so in many ways it was a form of graphic or visual communication. I enjoyed working swiftly using the different drawing techniques because it was something new for me. Questioning what makes a good drawing was intriguing and how a drawing doesn't need to be realistic or picture perfect to be a good drawing.

A collection of all our ears
This is my drawing of a classmate's ear
using black felt tip pen.
A portrait drawing from memory using a graphite
stick. I often forgot where I started and ended up
doing several heads on top of each other.
A drawing by mouth using felt tip pen
A left-handed drawing which I struggled with
A continuous line sketch, my pen was never allowed
 to leave the paper which I often forgot during the
drawing, your natural response is to take your pen
off the paper.
My final collage using famous faces to make
a new face
My viewfinder square which focused on one specific area
of the collage help me to isolate certain parts better.

Imagery - Author's Own 31/09/13

1 comment:

  1. I like your final collage using faces to create faces, i particularly like the words at the bottom, the contrast between "scary and cute", it made me think as if one side of the face contrasts with the other, almost a split personality. i also quite like the fact some of the facial features are out of porportion, the scale are all different creating an intersting collage, although the scale is uneven the viewer can still see the face which can create a good connection for the viewer and the work. Maybe to improve that collage is to overlapp things more, at the momment it all seem to be quite seperate, maybe by creating a busier collage will have a better effect.

    Moving on from the collages, i like the drawing where you used the felt tipped pen and controlled it with your mouth. although it is not accurate, i like the sense of fragilness to it, there is a unique style and looseness. i think to improve you could use more than one colour and can go over it using ur normal drawing hand so you can get a contrast between controlled and no controlled in one drawing.
