Wednesday 9 October 2013


At the end of the first day, we were asked to go out into our local surroundings to take some photos with a few different words in mind. The words were: Fall, Crush, jump, echo, sad and happy. This I found was the hardest task of the day, because I believe it takes a certain skill to interpret images and objects in our environment as actual words or themes. I used areas of Ravensbourne's interior for inspiration, the local restaurants and areas inside the O2 arena for possible material to photograph. I eventually gathered a series a photos and then reduced them down picking the most appropriate one in my view.

I used the fire exit symbol for the word 'Fall' because the 
image depicts a figure running and importantly the direction of arrow 
going downwards tells me that the figure is going down and 
possibly falling.

This is similar to the above image as the arrow on the elevator
 button is pointing down, suggesting a possible fall.

As a child, balloons were a symbol of fun, happiness and a party of sorts
 for me, seeing these three colourful balloons swaying in the wind with
 the sunlight illuminating them, I personally felt like a child and happy.
The colour yellow also strikes me as a joyful metaphor therefore this
 is my  image for 

For 'Jump' I wanted to capture the motion of someone jumping mid air,
 this took several attempts but eventually I captured the motion in action.

Contrasting to the 'Happy' image of inflated balloons above, I have included
 a 'Sad' image of a deflated, lifeless and pitiful balloon I found on the floor.
This for me represents the end of the festivities and the fun.

For the word 'Crush', I found a heavily clenched
 fist part of a larger figure which is a metaphor 
for control and domination in my opinion, the 
fist could already be crushing a physical 
object but the image of a clenched fist 
is enough for me to suggest power.

For the word 'echo' I wanted to depict a physical meaning of the word. I used
 the repetition of the lockers shape and their diminishing appearance as they 
get further away from the foreground due to the perspective of the photo. 
I feel this represents how an echo gradually gets smaller and smaller 
until you cannot hear, or in this case, see it.

Images - Author's Own 07/10/13

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