Friday 11 October 2013


The full A1 sheet of drawings 

On this second day of the rotation, we were asked to make collective effort in groups as we all made our own contributions onto one single sheet of A1 paper. We all drew certain things from our memory onto sections of the paper recalling our own dreams, nightmares, fears, passions, favourite places and ideas of hell. We did this in order to create a story and identify possible characters to use. Below, are my drawings in black pen of various people and places that mean something to me or hold a particular significance in my memory. I found this task difficult at first because I struggled to remember much but on reflection I had a lot to put down onto the paper if I thought back enough. I remembered certain things from nightmares e.g the man with the gun, people I've met and things I hate for instance spiders. Once we had all made some contributions on the paper we had to each make a storyboard of six images on top of our original doodles with a beginning, middle and end in mind.

Some of the stories included a dinosaur who won the lottery,
 a man who lived in a spider's web and a steroid addict in
 search of inner-peace

A close up of my storyboard section, in blue, where I visually narrated
the story of a steroid addict who had anger problems and killed
someone in anger as a consequence of his addiction. He was eventually
sent to prison, whilst there he contemplated his future and saw his future self
 appear to him in the night. Following this epiphany he traveled to
Buddhist monks and found his inner-peace.

The man who lived in a spider's web
Some development of characters in my sketchbook

Images - Author's Own 08/10/13

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