Monday 7 October 2013


Today's emphasis was on words and text specifically the typographic components that communicate and make the public respond. We began by trying to create 10 of our own typefaces out of expressive markings using various medias, textures and techniques. I used charcoal, pen, pencil and graphite sticks to create random markings which could double as basis of an alphabet or form numbers. I tried various methods using bold and thin lines and use of 'loud' colours. 

Following this I made a list of 10 things I had done, including my methods and materials used. I then made a list of 10 things I hadn't done such use paint, chalk and try making 3D letterforms. After doing this, I discovered that I had missed out quite a lot and I didn't necessarily experiment to my fullest potential, this helped my reflect on what I done.

The next task was to pick one of our 10 markings/letterforms and develop it into a full alphabet. I chose to base my letterforms on random lines across the page, I first drew many straight lines in various directions with a ruler across the page and then found sections of the lines to go over to make a letter. I had a mixture of upper case and lower case letters due to the nature of the lines. The final task was to use sources of light (e.g a light box or a window) to trace different font styles from books into a small box on paper, we could use any style of font and position it in any way. I used a combination of Helvetica Neue Bold and Gill Sans Bold. Today's tasks were some of my favourite of the whole rotation, because of the freedom and openness of the tasks, it has also made me more confident in my decision to choose the graphic design pathway.

Various different random markings which formed the basis for a typeface

My own alphabet experiment inspired by one of my original ideas which was based on geometric lines and marking the individual characters strictly on the lines

Experimenting with the two different traced fonts using the light box

Images - Author's Own 02/10/13


  1. The layout of this blog is very strong, the simplicity of the text at the top followed by a range of visually pleasing images provides the viewer with something both intellectually stimulating and impressive. The alphabet on the spiders web like lines is a great idea and looks very string even as a poster if you took some of the letters to create a tangled word that would be strong as an individual piece of graphics. The graphics on the bottom image are also strong however could be improved with the inclusion of colour but I do admire how you have literally turned the words on their heads to strong effect.

  2. I like the way you have used directional lines to create letters, I thought that was quite clever. The final image looks very attractive and professional but may look better if you experimented with a range of colours to give the drawing a bit of life.
    p.s. comment on my blog please. thanks
