Friday 11 October 2013


On the final day of the lens based media rotation, we had to bring together all the process we'd learnt throughout the week and apply them to our own story with our own images. We were tasked with taking some strange and extraordinary photos to make into a narrative. I choose to do something quite light-hearted, relaxed and witty with the sun. I first took a photo of my shadow at around midday to show what time of day it was, I then thought I'd make it look like I was jumping up to reach the sun and then pull it out of the sky to make some light art like Pablo Picasso once did with a long exposure and slow shutter speed camera. Eventually the sun would set and this would mark the end of the story.
Jumping up to the sky
Picking the sun from the sky

making some creative experiments with the sun

The sunset marks the end of the day stops me from doing anything
 more with the sun
Images - Author's Own

1 comment:

  1. This is a very original and playful story which I think would appeal to most people. I like the use of your photography skills utilising the slow shutter well to generate some strong images. This is a very strong page where all the images line up nicely and the description sell the story well without saying too much. I don't think there is much to improve here, the brief states 6 images only but if you had more images to work with I would say that you should bring the protagonist to life bringing another aspect out of the story. But overall good keep good work up fam.
