Tuesday 29 October 2013


The first project assigned to us in the graphics pathway was a good one in my view because it was open and we had a lot of freedom to create whatever we wanted and go down whatever route we wanted in terms of materials and techniques. I followed the musical path as I have always loved looking at album/record cover art therefore I decided to create my own album art.

I decided to incorporate both hand-made and digital elements in my poster image. I first created a background using torn newspaper, glue and some paint applied roughly, to give an abstract appearance. I then scanned this into illustrator and experimented with the filters adjusting colour saturation, brightness and contrast levels. This greatly changed the appearance of my image, although I often changed my mind about how I wanted it to look but after fine tuning the different filter levels, I found the right balance in my view. 

The original colour background created using acrylics on a newspaper base.
Compared to the following image the original looks a bit dull and lacks bold colour,
therefore I think adjusting the saturation really emphasised the texture and
importantly the colour a lot more.

The digital element of this poster was the type, I used illustrator to incorporate the text and again often found myself playing with the size, weight and shape of the type. I wanted a modern and sleek looking typeface to use, I looked at Arial and Imapct which worked well but I stumbled across Letter Gothic Std which instantly stood out in my opinion. Its minimalist, sans-serif style fit the cover perfectly. After making the text bold and italic, I was pleased with its overall appearance however, some of the text is slightly unclear maybe due to the font colour I selected.

The final album cover art incorporating the hand-made background and the digital type.

Images - Author's Own 18/10/13 

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