Tuesday 29 October 2013


On the first day of the graphic pathway, we were tasked with creating a graphic film on a random word chosen at from an envelope. We had to create a 1-2 minute film about this word focusing on the layout and the typographic elements of the film in some way. We before hand watched a short film about the typeface 'Helvetica' which gave us all some food for thought about the use of font in today's world. With this, we were separated into groups of 6 or 5 to create the film, my group had the word 'juxtaposition'. We began researching definitions, brainstorming possible themes and working out a story line. The first A1 sheet shows our thought processes and initial ideas while the second sheet shows some more refinement of a single idea. Over the week we will continue to experiment with ideas and develop our idea further, eventually we will begin filming and producing it.

This sheet shows our thought process from one idea to the next. Initially, we looked at the definition of juxtaposition and then branched out from there looking at the word contrast which has a similar meaning.  We explored use of font, split-screens and use of sound to convey the two sides of the story.

This second sheet shows more refinement of a single idea, we decided to look atthe differences between young and old in terms of our everyday lives, for instance in technology, fashion and so on. We focused on on contrasting the old with the new and thought of possibly having a double juxtaposition where the old person adopts a more modern way of life while the younger person adopts a more traditional or old fashioned one.

Imagery - Author's Own 28/10/13

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