Monday 14 October 2013


My final storyboard  was slightly different to my original idea, and throughout the day the narrative underwent many changes and tweaks. My original story was good but it could have been improved, for example including a greater struggle, more drama and suspense, so throughout the day I tried new ideas, rearranged the order of the images and also borrowed some ideas and images from my peers. This I found worked really well because we exchanged ideas about each others stories giving each other a different perspective which was really valuable in the end. In addition, exchanging photos also helped developed my storyboard as I wasn't limited to my own photography. I found this task challenging because I underestimated the skill it takes to craft a compelling narrative, I thought it would be easier but in reality it's difficult to balance different elements of a story in only 6 images. I was also very impressed by the standard of my classmates's stories as some were comical, dramatic and fun.

My first storyboard idea in my sketchbook, this was the original
story I wanted to use but I ended up changing it slightly
My second storyboard design incorporating an image from one
of my peers.

My final storyboard of six images on an A1 sheet.

Images - Author's Own 10/10/13

1 comment:

  1. I liked your final story, I thought it was a successful fantasy story. The shadow image could be changed maybe to a picture of a landscape with the sun still high up to show that it is still up but other than that the story is very successful
