Friday 13 September 2013


These are the photos of my completed final garment modeled and styled in various locations around Ravensbourne. Firstly, I contrasted the harsh and sharp edges of my headpiece with the smooth and round edges of Ravensbourne's windows to create a juxtaposition of structures which in my view worked well.  Following this, I used alternative and ironic locations such as the library or rows lockers to shoot and used the mannequins for comic effect also. On the whole, I enjoyed this task as I finally saw my piece come to life and being used in a real-life environment however I surprisingly found directing my model for styling very difficult, I found it challenging to stage the photography and style the headpiece in a creative way. Picking locations to shoot varied as there are lighter and darker areas around Ravensbourne's interior due to the open-plan design and large windows, subsequently, there was plenty of good light. I tried taking shots from various obscure angles to change the composition of the scene and create a different viewpoint. In conclusion, I am pleased with my photography and styling of my headpiece.

Imagery - Author's Own 13/09/13


  1. This headpiece is rather interesting for me, it creates an angry and fierce look on the model, especially in picture 5. I really like the use of the lift and him being cramped into and trying to push out. The model seems to be enclosed and the angular headpiece creates a sense of danger. Overall the headpiece may seem a bit simple i think it creates certain dramatic feel to the picture in certain situations.
    I think this piece can be improved by building it to be even bigger, at the moment its rather small, I think this piece would look even more powerful if it continued down to body and arms, almost like a armour.

  2. The headpiece looks very abstract and the poses that were struck were ok but couldv'e been better if there was a nice atmosphere/ background. I really liked the pose in front of the elevator door I thought that was successful as it looked like a model pose and also your product had a good focus point.
