Sunday 8 September 2013


I decided to 'bury' my ten memorable objects in a container in my back garden. This was not really a burial as such but more of a improvised tomb. Inside this metal box is all of my old childhood toys and sports equipment that has been kept there for years. Over time the metal box has been engulfed by the surrounding plants and nature has nearly claimed it, this gives the box a more significant meaning that over time, memories are gradually forgot in most cases and this box will soon become part of nature. For this reason I decided to place my objects here where I know they will be quite safe for a long time with my other memories. 

The vines and bushes have nearly surrounded the sacred metal box, although this gives a greater sense of security in my view
I had to clear a lot of dead leaves and branches out the way to reach the lid of the box

Closing the lid of the box 

My objects will remain in my back garden, sealed for a long time

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