Tuesday 10 September 2013


Today marked the beginning of the fashion and textiles rotation and we started off using paper to brainstorm ideas based on either structure, texture or image in order to eventually produce a garment made of paper. I found this task difficult because I have a limited interest in fashion and furthermore I am more of a 2D graphic artist so today was challenging but I felt I embraced the brief and produced some interesting pieces of work. After making five samples, we chose our favourite and then began to reproduce replicas of the sample making is bigger and creating different versions of the original. I used mainly card, newspaper and brown sugar paper for my constructions which took the form of cones as I was targeting the structure as well as the texture with thew sharp edges. Following this we pinned our designs onto the mannequins which gave us the opportunity to experiment with many types of designs, shapes and composition arrangements on the mannequin. I enjoyed this task because each design was different and we also got the chance to experiment with other peoples designs and other people used my own creations in a way I probably would not have thought of. This was the most beneficial part of the exercise I feel because this gives the opportunity for input from others, which in the end is quite valuable. Below are some of the many creations made today.

My original five samples made at the start of the task, I choose to focus on structure and texture building and layering levels on top one another

My samples included many different materials including newspaper and card.

This was the sample I chose to expand upon and develop further by increasing the scale and using other types of materials but sticking to the same cone-shaped design. I preferred this one because of its structure. Its sharp edges I feel are modern and architectural.

Our group of three's first creation using designs from the other groups

One of many creations, produced with our designs, by another group.
One design created by our own group of three.

Second design created by our own group
And the third design

This is a design created with the word 'anger' in mind, anger was the theme of this garment.

This design was created with an 'organised' theme.

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