Tuesday 3 September 2013


Today saw an exploration into my own past memories with the help of 10 objects which included some photos, a childhood toy and a match-day football programme. All these items are special to me or hold a significance in my life in some way. I found this task allowed me to think more in depth about my own recollections of time and place, while I was recording them. I had a lot more time to study my objects in detail which previously I never had the chance to Here are 10 photos of the observations I made today and the tools/media I used. Overall, I enjoyed this task because usually, in our day to day lives, we don't have a lot of time to reflect on and think about the past, sometimes a person might not want to remember certain past events therefore everyone is different. I thought I managed to manipulate scale and experiment with colour/texture a great deal, in addition I believe the composition was successful however there are some unfinished areas In the main piece of study which can be completed at a later date. I found working on such a large scale slightly difficult as usually when I work on a large scale I only use paint and not pencil or pen.

These are the ten objects of memory I selected. We laid them out and wrote a few words about them before we began recording them, this way other classmates could personally find out more about the individual person.

This was a collection/montage of four out of the ten objects I selected to record. It features slightly distorted shape, scale and texture, particularly in the 'catch' ball which is originally the size of a tennis ball. This was created on A2 paper using pencil, marker pen, felt-tips and biros.

I experimented with curved objects and pencil in this part of the composition, the 'catch' logo is similar to how the ball looks in real life but the background is black. Instead i used a random curved object to create some different lines which look a lot like stenciling on reflection.
This was the biro section of the piece. My football boots were and still are a vital part of my life therefore I had to represent them in some way. I enjoy using biro because of the fine line, graphic nature and texture that an artist can build. Again this depiction is not entirely true to life however this was the aim of the task.
This was a tonal area of the piece where I looked at using different pencils (HB and 3/4B) to investigate areas of darkness and light on my old climbing tree highlighting where where the sunlight strikes the tree. from different angles.
These are the collages that we progressed onto after we finished recording. We began scanning our items into a generic photocopier which printed in gray-scale, this gave us a different perspective of our objects as previously they were in colour. Then the aim was to try a create a new picture or collage with the scanned objects. I experimented with different compositions and played around with individual aspects of collage.

These are the main tools and media I used to create my piece and record my observations. Typically I like to work with pen and pencil only because I consider it to be my comfort zone. For this reason in the future I would like to try and use some other forms of media, for instance oil pastel, chalk or charcoal to incorporate more colour into my works.

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