Wednesday 11 September 2013


Following yesterday's exploration into paper manipulation, we began to incorporate our design concepts onto magazine cut-outs and tearings. I used full figure cut-outs from glossy magazines in colour and in black and white copied from the photocopier or from a newspaper. We started off with with five different garment ideas on separate figures focusing on statement and 3D visual impact. Then we focused on one area of the human figure for example the head, legs, arms or neck. I choose to focus on the head and decided to develop a bold headpiece. Using a large scale cut-out from a magazine, I modeled some of my previous ideas and collages on the head of the figure, once satisfied with the design I made five more variations of the first design to give me more options to choose from. Then we began to sketch out some more design variations experimenting with scale, texture and composition, at this stage I felt most comfortable because of my 3D weakness although I thought I managed well earlier on. Using inspiration from previous collages and designs I explored all the possible outcomes for a headpiece. Eventually, I decided to design a triangle-based headpiece made from either cardboard or brown paper.

This was the fist stage of the design process, 
we all gathered one of our initial designs 
and displayed them next to each others' to 
provide ideas and inspiration
The first of my five initial garment ideas 
using inspiration from the paper structures 
I had built the previous day.
The second idea which revolves a folded 
triangle theme
My third concept which includes flat 
triangles and edges as well as some 
folded elements to create a 3D effect.
Some of my developments of a potential 
headpiece, in this case, using masks 
My developed headpiece design which
 I go on to develop further into a
final garment
The first page of sketches exploring 
different ideas based on the concept in the centre
Second page of sketches investigating the 
possibility of neck-wear also

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