Monday 23 September 2013


I don't usually learn something the same way twice and I am quite laid back with respect to particular aspects of learning, for instance I don't mind learning practically or theoretically and I am aware of the fact that some can only learn either practically or theoretically however with myself, I can manage with both. I tend to adopt other people's way of learning in order to make learning more interesting for myself. In this questionnaire I wasn't massively surprised with the results as they were quite accurate even though questionnaires are sometimes ineffective. I made sure to answer the questionnaire as honestly as possible in order to get the best results and this paid off. Out of the four learning styles (Activist, Reflector, Theorist of Pragmatist) I am a Reflector which is what I expected, the trait description is almost spot on: thoughtful in approach, a good listener, thorough in preparation and contemplative before acting. Normally, I am skeptical about trait defining questionnaires as I don't believe they are true measurement of a person's characteristics, especially when placed in different scenarios, however I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the results in this particular questionnaire.

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